Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3D Studio Max and my News Years resolution!

So, I've learned Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Dreamweaver.  Now I'm moving onto 3d design, I've got 3d Studio Max 10, the 3D Studio Max 10 Bible, and free time until Jan. 10, 2011.  So...I'm going to teach myself how to create 3d models.  My main goal, or my 'new years resolution', is to create a motion reel of a 3d character I will create from scratch.  It's going to be somewhere along the lines of a medieval character, maybe even a monster?  There really is no limit to the imagination, and I've got enough books on monsters, goblins, elves, etc, etc....  I should be able to come up with something.  Check back everyone once in a while to see updates.  Starting now.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Illustration Progression

Alright, SO...  

I'm taking an Illustration course at AiOnline and here are a few illustrations I've completed.  These were created with Illustrator CS4.  I'm still learning, but my progression can be seen through the four weeks.

Some other spot-illustrations I've completed in the course:

 Lastly; an info-graph.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amnesia: Dark Descent

Alrighty, my first blog, tis' exciting!

This is going to be short and easy, it's about my experiences (so far) with a game called Amnesia: Dark Descent.  If you haven't played it, play it.  I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there:  I'm no tough guy, and when I play games like this, my imagination can sometimes get the best of me.  I'm not ashamed to say that I ended up turning the game off, wide eyed with a pulse rate that was quite high.  -There was of course some "interference".  

A bit about 'Amnesia': The game starts you off in a large house, a mansion of some sort; you're laying on the ground, trying to get up and without any recollection of what has happened (hence the name).  I'm told to follow a trail of liquid (more like a thought within the game), which leads me to a letter that was previously written by me.  It explains that I'm to look for a man and kill him, and also informs me that there is an evil in the house, haunting me.  Anyway, I move on throughout the house and the many hall ways, which are dimly lit, some not lit at all.  Whilst in the dark, my player starts hallucinating, and I begin to lose grip on my sanity.  To counter this, I need to light candles, or carry my trusty lantern, which I have to find oil for.

Anyway, that's as far as I am going to go into the game and its details; back to my story.  At one point, my lantern is completely void of oil, and I'm walking through a hallway which has several candles.  As I'm walking, suddenly a door swings open wildly and a gust of wind blows papers around and my sources of light are extinguished.  At the same time, very, VERY creepy noises are heard through my speakers.  This is where my eyes get wide; assuming a demon, or a small child with bleeding eyes, or maybe even a corpse falls out of the door (this is my imagination at play)- but nothing happens.  While this doesn't seem too scary, imagine sitting in front of a computer screen with no lights.  While all of this happening; just outside on your patio, the screens start rattling from heavy winds and rain, quite loudly and suddenly might I add.  This is why I was startled, I'll admit I was scared, and my heart did in fact start speeding up.  It happened so quickly and just at the right time where the game, my imagination, and the real world around me all blended together and made me feel like I had just witnessed a murder or something.  I felt like hiding in the game, and in my room...possibly under the covers. 

Needless to say, I saved the game and quit, maybe to return tomorrow night perhaps.  Had my wife been awake and seen my expression, or my roommate been watching, I would have been a bit embarrassed. Under the circumstances, I think I'm obligated to share my experiences with this 'not so well known' game called Amnesia: Dark Descent.