Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm to the point right now where I feel like I need to do something epic.  Draw something epic, create something epic.  But I'm also some type of wall, where my creativity is building but I can't really release it.  I'm taking a course in public speaking, and it involves a huge amount of reading, and talking into a silly little camera about topics that I doubt my classmates care about.  It's like my creativity has been barred, or chained up by what I'm forcing into my brain every night.  Learning how to listen and speak distinctly is obviously very important, especially if I need to pitch an idea.  But it's so damn boring.  I don't like people, and even worse, I don't like a LOT of people.  So speaking publicly is the last thing on my mind.  I'm ready to dive into real game design.  Even if I have to read about the history of games, just something other than SPEECH.  

I'm going to start sketching more and get back into the routine of doing it every night.  I've been slacking because of a few reasons.  One; obviously the new load of school work is taking a nice portion of my time.  Two; I just started reading a new book called 'The Sword of Truth' series, which is phenomenal and I recommend it to all.  Third; my work schedule(s)- juggling two job schedules is hectic and also takes too much time.  And finally, fourth; My son- he's really starting to move around; exploring mostly. Getting into all sorts of things, like knocking over my drinks, pulling cords from the front of the computer, chewing on my cell phone. So I am developing a sixth sense to help with always knowing what he is doing.

Anyways;  I am focusing all of my attention to my new course studies, I need to keep a high GPA and I plan on doing what I love in the end, developing a kick ass game.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Game Art & Design

So I've been in 'Graphic Design' for quite some time.  Honing my digital skills just enough to finally submit something of value as a portfolio to be reviewed.  Once the portfolio is reviewed, I will either be accepted, or denied.  But, hopefully I get accepted, so I can finally begin working on my career as a character modeler/designer.  If I do get accepted, I will also work on getting an internship at a company that designs games for smart phones and Facebook.  I think it's on the right track...everyone wish me luck (I don't think anyone reads this...)

Well I've been accepted into Game Art & Design and I have already begun one of my courses in my new major;  Speech.  So far, so good...