Monday, February 6, 2012

The beginning of something beautiful...

Okay, so I know I don't have a lot of followers, or people who are interested in anything I do, so I'm going to make this brief.  I am designing a video game.  It's going to be a role playing game in a fictional fantasy environment (real original huh?)  So far I've got a nice little team put together, and I honestly believe in the future this game is going to be something that a lot of people will talk about.  By a 'lot', I mean like five hundred million.

I'm going to keep this site updated with information related to the game, for example areas, quests, characters, ideas, and stories...endless stories...

So far here is the team I've put together...

Scott Allen - Lead Programmer, Quest Designer
Matt Moran - Script Writer, Quest Designer
Jim Gallo - Concept Artist
Clay Slover - Writer, Quest Designer, Concept Artist Assistant

This is going to be the 'hub' for everyone to catch up on what's new related to the game -

Check back to see what my 'tiny brain' has come up with!

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